Friday 6 June 2008

laksa perlis

In my culture the most important food is laksa perlis. Laksa perlis is very familiar when hari raya, open house, ceremony and others. When you come to Perlis you can get laksa perils at Kuala Perlis, near the jeti to Langkawi. You must be try to eat laksa perils because it is very delicious.

For your information, to prepare and cooking time laksa is 45 minutes if for serves six to eight person. The ingredients are, 1 kg fresh sardine, 1 litre water, 10 dried red chilies, soaked, 5 bird’s chilies, 10 shallots, 1 stalk lemon grass, 5 pices tamarind skin, 2 talks wild ginger flower, sliced, 5 springs ‘daun kesum’, 2 chiken stock cubes (maggi), salt, sugar to taste and 500g laksa noodles, blanched. Next, the ingredients to garnishing is 10 hard boiled eggs, 10 bird’s chilies, sliced, 3 onions, sliced, 8 spring ‘selum’ shoots and 6 lime,, cut into wedges.

Then to cook the directions is, boil fish in water until cooked. Reserve stock, debonded fish and blend fish meat with ingredients at list until fine. In a saucepan, stir in reserve stock, blended ingredients and chiken stock cubes (maggi). Add in a water, lemon grass, tamarind skins, wild ginger flower, ‘daun kesum’, salt and sugar to taste.

After that, bring to boil and reduce heat. Simmer for 30 minutes or until sauce stightly thickens. Serve laksa noodles together with garnishing. Finaly, eat laksa perlis with appetite. This is very appetizing…