Thursday 29 May 2008

6 Ways to Keep Your Body Healthy

· Start slowly - Do not expect to hop on a treadmill and jog for several miles if you haven’t exercised in years. Starting slowly enables your body to become more fit without getting injured. Also, you’re more likely to stick with a plan that leaves you energized and not fatigued.

· Something you like - Physical activity should be pleasurable. If it’s not, chances are you won’t keep it up. Decide if you want to be in a group or if you prefer to be by yourself; if you like the outdoors or inside and then go for it. Whether it’s bicycling, swimming, dancing, yoga, or jogging, just do what you like to do.

· Set goals - Whether you want to lose 20 pounds, increase your strength, or lower your blood pressure, write down exactly what you hope to achieve. Then, keep track of your progress by keeping an exercise journal. Jot down personal milestones such as, your pants felt looser after the first month or you were able to walk farther in a shorter period of time. Writing down accomplishments is an excellent way to see how far you’ve come. Also, if you are in need of a confidence booster, you can refer to it for inspiration.

· Be patient - Remember that it will take time to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. You will definitely make a big difference in your health. In time, you will see and feel a difference as well.

· Set a time - Write it on your calendar and keep that appointment with and for yourself. Don’t let any other engagement conflict with it. You wouldn’t schedule an appointment with the doctor and not show up; neither should you cancel your meeting with yourself.

· Reward yourself - Keeping physical activity a positive impact in your life, reward yourself often for sticking to it. Indulge in a long hot bath, take a trip to the mall for a gift, or go see a movie you’ve wanted to see. You are worth it!


foundation39 said...

waaa...the ice-cream looks yummy..can i have one????
